Work commences
at Millington Hospital

Three phase wiring
at Millington Hospital

Smaller Sharp 10 kW array
at Millington hospital

Job done - and now time for
the scaffolding to come down


" On my first visit to Salop Energy Commercial Ltd of Shrewsbury I was really impressed with their friendly, informative staff and the detailed..."

Mr Lowe

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Case Studies

Millington Hospital Almshouses

Millington Hospital provides almshouse accommodation for 39 venerable residents. The Trustees were keen to both generate solar PV income and reduce their carbon emissions.

Although situated in the Frankwell Conservation Area in Shrewsbury Salop Energy Commercial sensitively designed a 27kW Solar PV system. We used only the low rise roofs of newer buildings that we out of view from the public highway. Computer generated images like the above helped all vested interest groups to see what the installation would look like.

Some 144 solar PV modules were deployed across a number of low rise roofs – no modules were mounted on any of the Victorian buildings.

Great care was taken to avoid shading from existing roof architecture. If you look just above the white van you can see a shadow on the roof, but no solar PV modules. This is the result of methodical solar system design.

We were also congratulated on our very neat electrical work for what remains Shrewsbury biggest town centre solar PV installation.