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Feed in Tariff & Model

Getting Paid for Generating Electricity

Revised Feed-in-Tariff payments
Reduced hardware prices
Same 10% investment returns as before

The UK Government announced new Feed-In-Tariff payments in October 2011, effective from mid December 2011. Owners of new PV Systems installed between December 12th and April 1st 2012, will receive the 2011/12 FIT payments up to March 31st 2012 with the new payments applying thereafter.

System Size (kW)
Generation Tariff
Generation Tariff

2012/13 - per kWh 2015/16-per kWh
4 kW (retrofit)
21.0 pence 13.39 pence
4 kW (new building)
21.0 pence 13.39 pence
Over 4 to 10 kW
16.8 pence 12.13 pence
Over 10 to 50 kW
15.2 pence 11.71 pence

So, what has been going on?

All new technology markets evolve in much the same way with the early adopters being rewarded for taking higher risks. As demand has picked up solar hardware prices have softened; the cost of market entry has fallen thus broadening the potential customer base. A 4kW solar PV system would have cost over £15,000 six months ago. Today our Best Value Brand equivalent costs no more than £8,000+VAT!

This is why we're able to supply 'best value brand' PV systems at prices that still deliver an annual 10% income stream for suitable installation sites. If you've missed the first boat make sure you don't miss the second!

FIT Overview

Solar PV Investors are rewarded in three ways via the Solar PV Feed-In-Tariff [FIT]:

Generation Tariff - up to 13.39 pence per kWh generated (2015/16)
Export Tariff - a fixed 3.1 pence per kWh exported to the Grid (2011/12*)
Lower Electricity Bills - consuming self-generated electricity reduces consumption of commercially generated electricity.

For more detailed FIT information visit our Education Centre